Archer collects data from its clearinghouses and stores the data in a local database which was maintained onsite. This database would then be used to populate Excel files which ran complex macros and calculations. The process took over 4 hours and consistently crashed and kept staff in the office well past 9:00 pm.
Reduce the runtime by 2 hours
Increase reliability
Use a more secure method of backup and maintenance for their onsite server
Increase the functionality of the reports
Maintain the connection between the Excel files and the database
We automated the process and reduced the run time from 4 hours to under 5 minutes. We also added functionality to:
We updated the Excel files so they could pull data directly from the database, which allowed staff to work from home instead of the office. Our system averaged about one issue per year versus once per week with the original system. Lastly, we made the reporting updates that could not be performed by Excel and then allowed the data to be exported into Excel for use.